
News, Insider Info and More



How Solar Power Can Offset Utility Bills and Help You Get Out of Debt

Solar power is no longer just a buzzword—it has become a real solution for homeowners looking to reduce utility bills and improve their financial well-being. ...

Renauld Smith 14 Sep, 2024

Budget-Friendly Strategies for Furnishing Your New Home

Decorating a new house is often accompanied by financial obstacles. There are many budget-friendly strategies you can use to create a cozy and fashionable environment without breaking the bank. ...

Steven Capasso 22 Aug, 2024

Quality of Life Considerations When Moving to an Expensive State

When considering moving to an expensive state, assessing its impact on your quality of life is essential. ...

Steven Capasso 09 Aug, 2024

How Relocation Affects Your Financial Risk Profile

Relocating can bring exciting opportunities and fresh starts. However, it's vital to understand how it impacts your financial risk profile. ...

Renauld Smith 25 Jul, 2024

Negotiating with Movers: Tips to Prevent Overcharges and Scams

You need good professional support when planning a move. One of the most critical aspects is selecting and negotiating with movers. ...

Steven Capasso 08 Jul, 2024

Hidden Costs of Moving Interstate and How to Avoid Them

Moving can be an exciting adventure. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in the form of hidden costs when moving interstate. ...

Jason Benion 18 Jun, 2024

The Financial Impact of Addiction: How Substance Abuse Leads to Debt

Many articles about substance use disorder (SUD) overlook its severe impact on personal finances, which can lead to poverty and debt accumulation....

Steven Capasso 30 May, 2024

Building and Maintaining Your Credit History in the US as a Canadian Immigrant

Moving to the United States from Canada brings about many adjustments, including establishing a credit history. A solid credit history is vital for various aspects of financial life....

Renauld Smith 14 May, 2024

Saving Strategies for Moving Abroad: Building Your Nest Egg for a Seamless Transition

Building a sufficient nest egg is key to covering the costs of relocating internationally. Moving to a new country involves more than packing a suitcase. It requires solid financial preparation. ...

Steven Capasso 02 May, 2024

The Transformative Power of Financial Education: A Must-Have for Debt Settlement Firms

Empower individuals to maintain a debt-free life by providing Financial Education...

Steven Capasso 29 Apr, 2024

Your Path to Financial Recovery Starts Here

Discuss your debt relief options with a trusted IAPDA Member Company.

Debt Options Analysis

Free Debt Analysis

How we can help you?

How much credit card debt do you have?

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How much student loan debt do you have?

What type of student loans do you have?

What is the status of your loans?

Please enter your Details

Are you employed?

$10K in back taxes?

Are you currently enrolled in a payment program with the IRS?

Please enter your Details

Are you employed?

What problems are you having with your credit report?

Please enter your Details

Are you married?

Any children or dependents?

Gross income on tax return (all income):

Do you own home?

What's the loan amount?

Are you filing to prevent foreclosure?

Any lawsuits? Are your wages being garnished?

Do you own a car?

Is there a loan?

Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 8 years?

Roughly how much is your debt?

Have you sold or transferred property over $600 in the last year?

Please enter your Details

Are Collectors calling many times a day?

Are Collectors calling you before 8am or after 9pm?

Are Collectors trying to collect on a debt that you previously settled?

Are Collectors being abusive or threatening?

Please verify you have a current copy of your credit report.

When inquiring about Consumer Protection a copy of your credit report is necessary

Tell us what happened:

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