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Do You Want a Secure Financial Future?
Of Course, You Do!!

Build and Maintain Sustainable Financial Habits with the IAPDA Financial Education Curriculum!

IAPDA Financial Education Curriculum

People don’t plan on being over their head in debt. Life happens and unfortunate situations can show up unexpectedly, such as:

  • A job loss or significant reduction in income.
  • A sudden illness or injury can result in unexpected medical expenses.
  • Unexpected emergencies such as car repairs, home repairs and legal issues.
  • Financial setbacks like divorce, sudden reduction in property value or business failures.
  • Economic downturns such as a recession.

We'll teach you what they never covered in school! Say goodbye to those "I wish I knew this sooner" moments and hello to a well-rounded curriculum that actually prepares you and your family for financial security. Get ready to learn the stuff they should've taught you in school but didn't!

Our comprehensive Financial Education Curriculum is tailored specifically for the consumer to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to regain control over their financial situation.

The curriculum provides guidance for all family members, young and old to remain financially secure and develop sustainable financial habits focusing on:

  • Budgeting and Money Management Skills
  • Effectively Managing Your Finances
  • Reducing Expenses
  • Maximizing Savings

We provide continuous access to educational resources on a variety of topics, all aimed at providing a solid understanding of debt settlement options, the implications of such decisions, and the steps required to achieve financial stability.

Furthermore, our Financial Education Curriculum offers:

  1. A personalized debt analysis, considering individual financial circumstances and goals.
  2. Tailored recommendations and strategies to help overcome debt burdens, focusing on budgeting and money management skills.

Learn how to reduce expenses and maximize savings to become financially secure. Share the knowledge and skills with up-and-coming young family members to make informed financial decisions that pave the way towards a more secure financial future.

Prevent Future Debt!


Build Financial Resilience!


Develop Money Management Skills!


Please help IAPDA with our commitment to consumer education.

Your donation of $25.00 will help us continue to provide updated and current educational information and resources to all consumers in need.

IAPDA would like to thank you for joining our cause in educating consumers to become debt free and remain financially secure by providing all donors with continuous access to our Financial Education Curriculum.

Click This Link to Access Your Path to Financial Stability:

Get Started $25.00 Donation

Your Path to Financial Recovery Starts Here

Discuss your debt relief options with a trusted IAPDA Member Company.

Debt Options Analysis

Free Debt Analysis

How we can help you?

How much credit card debt do you have?

Please enter your Details

How much student loan debt do you have?

What type of student loans do you have?

What is the status of your loans?

Please enter your Details

Are you employed?

$10K in back taxes?

Are you currently enrolled in a payment program with the IRS?

Please enter your Details

Are you employed?

What problems are you having with your credit report?

Please enter your Details

Are you married?

Any children or dependents?

Gross income on tax return (all income):

Do you own home?

What's the loan amount?

Are you filing to prevent foreclosure?

Any lawsuits? Are your wages being garnished?

Do you own a car?

Is there a loan?

Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 8 years?

Roughly how much is your debt?

Have you sold or transferred property over $600 in the last year?

Please enter your Details

Are Collectors calling many times a day?

Are Collectors calling you before 8am or after 9pm?

Are Collectors trying to collect on a debt that you previously settled?

Are Collectors being abusive or threatening?

Please verify you have a current copy of your credit report.

When inquiring about Consumer Protection a copy of your credit report is necessary

Tell us what happened:

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