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Is Timberline Financial Legit?

Josh Richner • 12 Mar, 2023


Is Timberline Financial Legit?

If you're considering debt settlement to manage your debt, you’ve probably come across Timberline Financial. 

It’s smart to ask if Timberline Financial is legit. After all, you’re entrusting their representatives with your financial future. You need to make the right moves for your money. Fortunately, you're in the right place for the help you need. 

IAPDA Knows Debt Settlement Companies

When you get bad advice about debt, you're the one who pays the price. The International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA) is here to ensure you receive helpful guidance from knowledgeable debt relief professionals.

IAPDA is a non-profit organization providing education and certification to debt settlement professionals and companies. We believe the companies promising to guide your financial future must employ knowledgeable advisors with education spanning various topics.

Verify that any debt settlement professionals you speak with have completed IAPDA's training and certification program to know you're getting sound advice.

Search Below To Find Out if Timberline Financial is IAPDA-Accredited


Timberline Financial Reviews

The best way to know if a debt settlement company is legit is to check its accreditation and read reviews from Timberline Financial customers. 

We want to hear about your experience with Timberline Financial. Leave a review for Timberline Financial.

What is a Debt Settlement Program

Debt settlement is a way to reduce the amount you owe on your unsecured debt, like credit cards or personal loans. 

Whether due to a life event or just the snowball effect of high-interest rates, debt happens. 

at debt relief companies like Timberline Financial review your unsecured debt and create a plan to settle your unsecured debt.

When you begin a debt settlement program, they'll usually advise you to save money each month in an account they help you set up. That money is used to pay the settlements over time.

The goal is to negotiate with creditors or collection agencies and pay them a percentage of the total amount owed instead of paying back the full balance. With this strategy, you can get out of debt faster and for less than many other options.

Questions to Ask

It's important to ask the right questions before signing up for a debt settlement program. Here's what to ask a debt advisor:

  1. Are you IAPDA certified? 
  2. Approximately how long will it take to see my first settlement?
  3. What impact will this strategy have on my credit? 


If you don't get answers you're comfortable with, take your time. There are many debt relief options, and lots of companies offer each of them. 

You may feel pressure to find a solution immediately, but allow space to take your time with big decisions.

What Debt Can Be Settled?

Every debt relief company has its own guidelines of what accounts qualify for their service. 

Accounts you can include with most debt relief programs:

  • credit cards
  • medical bills
  • delinquent Buy Now Pay Later loans
  • payday loans
  • unsecured personal loans
  • deficiency balances on repossessed vehicles
  • some private student loans
  • all of the above, even if in collections

Accounts you cannot include with most debt relief programs:

  • federal student loans
  • secured loans (home loans, car loans, etc.)
  • government-backed debt (utility bills, parking tickets, etc.)
  • money owed to friends and family

This is a general idea of what accounts are usually eligible, but you'll need to contact Timberline Financial to learn what accounts you can enroll in their program.

What To Look for in a Debt Settlement Company

We believe debt settlement companies like Timberline Financial should incorporate three principles into their business practice- Transparency, Accreditation, and Ethical Enrollment.

We'll break each item down, but you'll know by reading reviews if a company does these things. So when you read Timberline Financial reviews, keep these three things in mind.


We believe a debt settlement company should proactively provide the following:

  • clear company name
  • contact information
  • approximate pricing
  • typical results
  • direct disclaimers


When your financial future is on the line, there's no reason to work with a company that won't commit to certain standards that aim to protect you, the consumer.

The Better Business Bureau shows a degree of credibility, but it is easy to obtain and not industry specific. You can take some comfort in seeing the BBB logo but don't stop there. You aren't buying a simple product. You're planning your financial future.

If you are going to work with a debt settlement company like Timberline Financial, only work with one that views you as important enough to get accredited with the organizations that know debt settlement.

  • International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA)- The International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators provides education to debt settlement companies and the professionals that work behind the scenes to support your program.
  • American Fair Credit Council- The American Fair Credit Council provides accreditation of the debt settlement industry, holding companies to an industry standard and lobbying for consumer access to debt settlement.

Ethical Enrollments

When someone enters into a debt settlement program without knowing the drawbacks, big problems happen. Debt settlement is only a good fit for some people. No one company is the answer to everyone's debt problems. The company you work with should be educated and given ethical enrollment guidelines to protect people from entering their program if it isn't the best fit.

Debt settlement companies should have internal procedures to suggest less damaging or more affordable options to consumers when they can.

Particularly, you should think twice about debt settlement if you are:

Current on your unsecured debts: Debt settlement might still make sense, but you should review a debt management plan before entering into a debt settlement program. A debt management plan is less damaging to your credit. You can always change your mind and start a debt settlement program or file for bankruptcy. It doesn't work the other way around.

A senior or individual with disabilities on a fixed income: Debt is different when you're on a fixed income. When you receive social security benefits, a pension, or other protected income, a debt relief attorney can usually offer more affordable and predictable options than debt settlement.

Timberline Financial Alternatives


Want to compare debt settlement providers? Review IAPDA-certified individuals and companies using our search below. 

Alternate Debt Solutions

Debt settlement is a great option, but it's not your only option.

Timberline Financial requires that your accounts be delinquent for settlement to work. It's not just their company, though. That's the nature of the debt settlement process.

If you're making minimum payments on your debts, your creditors don't have reason to consider a settlement. They're already getting paid the full amount, plus interest, so they have no motivation to consider settling.

Your accounts must almost always be delinquent for the creditor to consider settlement. So, if you're current on your debts or want to protect or build your credit score, you might want to consider other options.

If you're current and want to stay current

Debt consolidation loan- Debt consolidation loans are personal loans issued by a financial institution. It is a traditional loan that is issued to pay off multiple high-interest debts. With the troublesome debt paid off, you make one fixed monthly payment to the lender each month until you are debt free. You'll need to speak with a credit union or financial institution to explore debt consolidation loans.


Credit counseling- Credit counseling services help you understand and plan for your financial future. Credit counselors can provide advice on budgeting, debt repayment, and more. Their services are often free or low cost.


Debt management plan- A debt management plan allows you to make one payment per month, which is distributed among your creditors. You repay the full balance plus some interest, but not as much as making your minimums, and you avoid long-term delinquency. 

Credit counseling and debt management plans are available through non-profit organizations.Find a credit counseling agency.


Credit repair- Credit repair services are offered by for-profit companies designed to help you improve your credit score. They typically offer services like disputing errors on your credit report and may create a plan for improving or rebuilding your credit. Be aware that it can take several months (or even longer) to see results from these services. The industry is in flux with a changing regulatory landscape. That means that their effectiveness is not always certain. Make sure you do your research and read customer reviews before signing up with any credit repair company.


If you're behind on payments

Other debt settlement companies: Timberline Financial isn't the only company to consider. If you've decided debt settlement is for you, but aren't comfortable with Timberline Financial, consider interviewing several companies. Always work with a company committed to the education standards of IAPDA. 

Search for other IAPDA-accredited debt settlement companies below.


Debt settlement attorney: Debt collection lawsuits are a serious legal matter. If you've been sued by a creditor, consulting with an attorney is in your best interest. They can provide you with legal advice and settle debt on your behalf. 


Negotiate directly with creditors: If you have the time and negotiating skills, you could try to negotiate a settlement directly with your creditors. It may take months of saving and negotiation, but this can be a good way to save money. Just make sure you have the funds available to pay off your settlement in full, and don't sign anything until you're sure of the terms.


Bankruptcy attorney: When debt settlement is too expensive, or your legal risks are significant, bankruptcy might be the right fit. It's important to understand how it works and the legal requirements involved before making any decisions. A qualified bankruptcy attorney can guide you through the process and help minimize any risks associated with filing for bankruptcy.


Before signing any agreement with any debt settlement company or attorney, be your best advocate. Read up on all their fees, policies, and terms of service. A close look now can ensure you don't end up in a worse position than when you started. 


Stick With Your Plan

The key to success for any debt settlement program is to stick to the plan! If you begin a program with Timberline Financial, make sure to stick with the plan and see it through to the end. You’re already closer to your fresh start and financial freedom.

If you ever need help along the way, IAPDA provides free support and dispute resolution to customers of IAPDA-accredited debt settlement companies. 

That’s another reason to always search the cert’ at


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Debt Options Analysis

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How much credit card debt do you have?

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How much student loan debt do you have?

What type of student loans do you have?

What is the status of your loans?

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Are you employed?

$10K in back taxes?

Are you currently enrolled in a payment program with the IRS?

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Are you employed?

What problems are you having with your credit report?

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Are you married?

Any children or dependents?

Gross income on tax return (all income):

Do you own home?

What's the loan amount?

Are you filing to prevent foreclosure?

Any lawsuits? Are your wages being garnished?

Do you own a car?

Is there a loan?

Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 8 years?

Roughly how much is your debt?

Have you sold or transferred property over $600 in the last year?

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Are Collectors calling many times a day?

Are Collectors calling you before 8am or after 9pm?

Are Collectors trying to collect on a debt that you previously settled?

Are Collectors being abusive or threatening?

Please verify you have a current copy of your credit report.

When inquiring about Consumer Protection a copy of your credit report is necessary

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